İznik Mavi Çini Eyup Sultan Tomb / ISTANBUL - İznik Mavi Çini
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Eyup Sultan Tomb

Eyüp Sultan Tomb was commissioned by Fatih the Conqueror in 1458 and tiles were added to the structure during the reign of Ahmad I. Some tiles fell or got damaged over time. 
As a part of the project we co-executed with Anikya, we started restoring the tiles in 2013 and produced the missing wall tiles at our facility. We produced a total of 2200 Iznik tiles and wrote on the surface of every tile in the respective production year. The restoration took 3 years and ended at the end of 2015. 11 different shades of red were produced in Iznik Mavi Çini’s R&D department for this project and six out of them were used for the restoration of these tiles.


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